JLDS provides a Registration & Payment Portal to make your payments online accessible. By completing the registration process you are committing your child/children to the entire dance season and the annual performance. In August, you will receive a detailed schedule of payments along with the processing dates.
Payments are due the 1st of each month
Payment is considered late on the 2nd
Tuition runs September thru May
Both April and May tuition payments will be due April 1st
Late fee is $50 and NSF fee is $75
Costume Fee
Payment due November 1st
Costumes may require minor alterations by parents
Performance Fee
Payment due February 1st
Performance is the first Sunday of May
Videography Fee
Payment due March 1st
Automatic payments will be processed on the 1st of each month
If two months in arrears, your dancer(s) will be automatically dropped from the roster (account holder is responsible for any and all fees owed)
A 30-day written notice through email is required to withdraw your dancer(s) from enrollment at JLDS
Your account will be charged until written notice is received through email
We utilize multiple channels of communication throughout the year including our website, email, office phone, parent portal, and social media platforms (Instagram & Facebook)
Important notes, reminders, schedules, etc. will be emailed to you
Please contact the studio through email or phone
The studio email address is info@jilllistidancestudio.com and telephone number is 337-989-8115
Office hours are Monday – Wednesday from 11:30-2pm September – May
Summer (June thru August) hours will vary. Please check our social media platforms for updated times
Regular attendance in all classes is expected and appreciated from all dancers
If your dancer will miss class, please notify the studio in advance by email
If your dancer will need to leave class early, please notify the studio prior by email
Dancers needs to arrive on time to get the most out of their dance experience
Any necessary absences during February, March, and April should be discussed in advance prior to missing
We require that the entire class be in attendance for regular classes and extra rehearsals during the final six weeks
Failure to adhere to this policy could result in your dancer being removed from the routines
Rehearsals are mandatory
Rehearsals the weekend before the Show are Mandatory!
If a dancer misses the mandatory rehearsal without an excused absence from Ms. Jill, the dancer will not be able to perform in the show
As a parent/guardian of enrolled student at Jill Listi Dance Studio, you hereby consent to and authorize Jill Listi Dance Studio of Lafayette, Louisiana, and all entities, representatives, employees and agents operating under its authority to record, use, edit, reproduce and/or publish photographs, video, audio and/or other media that may portray and/or relate to your minor child, his/her image, likeness and/or voice, without compensation. You understand that these materials may be used in various print, including electronic media, including but not limited to the Jill Listi Dance Studio website and the Jill Listi Dance Studio publication and/or other endeavors related to its interests. You understand that this company may use and/or publish materials relating to your minor child and/or use his/her photograph, voice, video images and other media relating to your minor child in any manner that this company deems appropriate in order to promote and/or publicize its programs, or for any other lawful purpose.
This authorization shall not expire and will remain effective indefinitely until rescinded in writing.
JLDS COVID-19 Guidelines
JLDS wants to remain proactive in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, we put together the following list of guidelines to follow.
If you have been exposed to someone having COVID-19 or have any symptoms including but not limited to fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, body aches, headache, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, etc. please do not attend/send your dancer(s) to class
Lobby Area is closed. Students ONLY may enter and exit through the lobby
Drop off is the left lane closest to the street
Pick up is the right lane closest to the building
Dancers who are driving to class can park on the side of JLDS building or back of building. (Do not block or park at dentist office)
For the safety of everyone our Studio Driveway is one way
Dancers should arrive no more than 5 minutes before class time and should be picked up promptly at the end of class
Dancer must remain in car with parent/guardian until instructed to enter JLDS building
Teachers and/or teacher assistants will disinfect dance room in-between each class
**JLDS has a UV light filtration system in all AC units.**